March 14, 2011 Day one in Kuala Lumpur

KL is awesome. The bus dropped us off in the middle of town at butt-early, which is sometime between 4:30AM-5:30AM if I'm not mistaken. Thank goodness there was a small diner-type restaurant open for us to loiter at.

Once it reached about 8 AM, I headed out with a man named Conny from Sweden, to find a place. He wanted to check out Chinatown, the usual backpacker area. The places were expensive dumps. He picked a clean one. I headed to a different area and found very tiny but funky place called Tropical. We got settled in then walked toward the malls, which KL has LOTS of. Malls are comforting for us while we're out of the country, which is weird since we don't care much for them at home.

On the way we had our first spectacular meal at a Pakistani buffet. Christian was insanely happy. So was I. The food here - I can't wait to eat it ALL (or as much as my limited, high-maintenance GI system will let me).

We wandered around the mall amazed at the cost of everything, which was just the usual mall prices so it shouldn't surprise us. They had a cool superhero store with some great Wonder Woman t-shirts but they were almost $50!  I stopped in to help Batman keep an eye on the city.

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