February 5, 2011 Buddha Park - Vientiane, Laos

Finally motivated to see something touristy here.  Coffee at Loma, of course, where they decorate the cappuccinos.

Then hired a tuk-tuk to take us the 15 km to a crazy sculpture park.

in the tuk-tuk

The place was built by a Hindu-Buddhist-Shaman man, as stated in Lonely Planet.  Not sure if this is true or not, but I guess he designed all the statues himself and then hired non-professional people to do them.  It was really cool and is a must-see for anyone in the area.

Mouth is entrance to a tall, tiered structure filled with statues.

Christian had some trouble with the door

View from the top of the mouth-door structure
Matching pose - Xx's cuter
Weird pig-demon killing some guy?

Shark shoes

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