February 8, 2011 To Pakse, Laos

Didn't really need another day in Savannakhet so we headed further south to Pakse, Laos.  We took a local bus, which is always fun.

There was no AC so we were at the mercy of whoever controlled the window, which wasn't me this time.  I spent a lot of the time listening to podcasts and watching this little baby.

All over Laos, they have new bus stations built well outside the cities, which is very good for the tuk-tuk drivers.  Pakse was particularly amusing.  They didn't drop us at a bus station outside of town.  They pulled over to the side of the road about 8 km outside of the center of the city.  Totally random.  Hard to believe this was as close as they could get us, was so conspicuously unnecessary to put us there.  Oh well, what can we do.

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