February 21, 2011 Visiting the Big Daddy, Angkor Wat

We stomped all over ruins yesterday but were so tired by the end of the day we put off the big one until today.

Raisin' the roof for Angkor Wat - woot woot!
(This is not at Angkor Wat temple, though.)

We hit a bunch and then went to Angkor Wat at the end of day. It is everything people say it is. Truly amazing.
Xn hiding in a nook at a temple whose name I do not know.

All over the ruins there are these kinds of
trees growing through/into/from the buildings.

There were so many amazing things to take pictures of at Angkor Wat and my skills are so weak, I decided to pick only a few that I really like. Check out Xn's photos for much better ones of both days of temple tromping.

This detailed carving is about 4 inches tall. 

I love temple dogs and even Angkor Wat has one. This
is the only one I saw. He seemed pretty happy.

This is the Hermit, an image that can be found all over the
Angkor Wat. 

There's a huge bas relief of heaven-earth-hell on one side of the temple.
This is a scene from hell - demons dragging people by the hair,
which was not the worst that hell had to offer by a long shot.

Xn's and my shoe prints.

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