January 22, 2011 Book and Tea... and HAIR

So much hair!!
Right next to our guest house was a sweet book shop called Book and Tea run by a Quebecoise who knows how important it is to make good hot chocolate. (Thank goodness!) They have wi-fi but barely.  I didn't have the patience to wait for pages to load so I sat outside and read Douglas Coupland's Generation A and a Wooster and Jeeves novel.  They showed a movie every night in the 2nd floor lounge.  I watched Please Give, which felt way too close for comfort but was quite good.  On our last night in town we had a great chat with a few guys who work there - wish it had been on our first night so we could have developed the relationships more.  But any connection is a good connection.
Oh, and I did buy a book there, too.  A Case of Two Cities by Qiu Xiaolong - haven't started it yet.

This is what was above me.

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